The State of Digital Identity Wallets – Darrell O’Donnell – Webinar 22
Darrell O’Donnell, President & CEO of Continuum Loop and Sovrin community contributor, will be our next guest. He’ll be sharing an update on a Digital Identity and Crypto Wallet study and report that he is releasing.
Discussions about Digital Wallets (aka Identity Wallets) have ended with hand-waving at many hard problems. The Digital Wallet study begins as leaders in Canada looked at what was needed to really enable self-sovereign identity to have an impact. The project sponsors realized that in order to bring Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) into their businesses a deep understanding of the current and future state of Digital Wallets was required.
The seemingly simple wallet turns out to be exceedingly hard. The initial focus of the study was on the enterprise aspects of Digital Wallets but it quickly shifted and broadened to apply generally to people and organizations. The project is culminating in a public and private report. The public report is intended to start a deeper discussion into what we really need from our Digital Wallet.
Darrell will walk us through, at a high-level, the findings of the study and give viewers access to a pre-publication version of the public report.
Digital Wallets stand to be as impactful in our lives as browsers and the internet have been. They bring the potential for a far more personal and private way to interact with people and organizations. There are many challenges ahead and this report is a beginning to outlining what the challenges are. The content will age well in some areas and others will likely prove wrong in short order.
To download the preview version of the report please follow this link to Darrell’s website.
Video recording:
Slideshare presentation:
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Download the full presentation “The State of Digital Identity Wallets – Darrell O’Donnell” from Google Slides.
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