The DID Report 2: The 2nd Official W3C DID Working Group Meeting (The Netherlands)- Drummond Reed/Markus Sabadello – Webinar 45
The DID Report 2 about the Second Meeting of the W3C DID Working Group with Drummond Reed and Markus Sabadello from Danube Tech, co-authors of the W3C DID specification.
DID spec co-author Drummond Reed and Markus Sabadello will report back from Amsterdam (The Netherlands) for the second official meeting of the W3C DID Working Group taking place from January 29-31, 2020 to share highlights of the meeting and the roadmap for taking DIDs to a full Web standard.
This session will be followed one hour later by a full DID education session based on the DID chapter published with Manning by authors Drummond Reed, Markus Sabadello and Alex Preukschat. If you want to learn all the basics about DIDs please also watch this session here: Webinar 46
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Download the full presentation “The DID Report 2: The 2nd Official W3C DID Working Group Meeting (The Netherlands)” from Google Slides.
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