Machine Identity – DIDs & Verifiable Credentials for trust & interoperability in IoT – Webinar 25 – Mrinal Wadhwa
Mrinal Wadhwa, CTO of Ockam, will talk about how Decentralized Identifiers, Verifiable Credentials, and Decentralized Key Management enable highly secure and reliable systems of connected devices.
The promise of IoT has been a future where systems of connected machines would work together, using intelligent algorithms, to almost magically improve our lives; Systems in farms and factories that would intelligently sense and control physical processes to optimize yield and reduce waste, homes that would adapt for our comfort and safety, and resilient cities that would pollute less and smartly manage our limited resources. These are the autonomous systems that developers in the Internet of Things community are passionate about. We all want to build this magical future.
The status quo, however, is that most IoT solutions are incredibly difficult to secure and take too long to develop, provision, and integrate. This talk will show how several emerging open standards can be combined to create open developer tools that help you avoid the plumbing required to build trust between connected devices. It will also briefly touch on Ockam’s DID method for devices and their open source Go DID Parser.
Video recording:
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